Nepal Telecom Dashain offer arrives


Nepal Telecom has come up with the Dashain, Tihar, and Chhat offer for the year 2073. This year they have managed to cover all the customers. The offers come in

Data Offer

The data offer includes two different volume sizes when one buys either of the data pack they will be providing free voice calls and SMS to the subscribers. The offer is valid from Ashoj 15 to Ashoj 29 and Kartik 12 to Kartik 29 and 100MB data will be available for Rs. 50 and 250MB of data will be available for Rs. 100. The validity of 100MB data will be 5 days and 250MB data will be 10 days. During the period of data uses one can make 10 Minutes of a voice call, 10 SMS and 25 Minutes of a voice call, and 25 SMS free for data users of 100MB and 250MB respectively.

Night Data Offer

The Night Data offer includes 500MB of data for Rs. 40 which will be valid for 7 days and 1200MB of data for Rs. 85 which will be valid for 15 days. The night data can be used from 10 PM to 6 AM starting from Asshoj 15 which will last till 3 months straight.

Voice Call Discounts

This offer includes 10% discounts at prevailing rates on every call made within the Nepal Telecom Network. When the discount is charged the rates will fall to Rs. 1.35 for prepaid users and Rs. 90 paisa for postpaid users.

SMS offer

The rates of SMS will be reduced to 50% on prevailing charge Rs. 1. This SMS discount is valid from Ashoj 15 to Ashoj 29 and Kartik 12 to Kartik 29.

PSTN Calls Offer

The PSTN and CDMA C- phone of Nepal Telecom with 175 calls for Rs 200 will get 100 additional local calls for the month of Ashoj and Kartik. So the total calls for the two months will be 275 for Rs. 200 only.


The Users of Nepal Telecom’s ADSL/WiMAX and FTTH whose validity will finish during the period of Ashoj 22 to 28 the validity will be automatically increased to Ashoj 29. Those Users whose validity will expire from Kartik 14 to 20 will be extended up to Kartik 21.

MPoS Recharge Bonus

The Recharge is done through MPoS (pinless) system worth equal to Rs. 100 or higher will be getting a 10% bonus on Talk Time.

To Suscribe to the Data Packs, You need to send SMS by typing “SPECIALXXXMB” and send it to1415 without quots.

Please type the desired Data Volume by replacing XXX.


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