Google dumping Nexus and Creating a new breed of phones called Pixel.


If you are a fanboy or girl of Google’s Nexus phones and excited about what the next phone, then don’t be. New rumors suggest that Google is doing away with its Nexus phones.

A new report from Android Police suggests that Google is bringing a new line up of phones called Pixel, probably by ending its most dominant line up Nexus. The report also reveals that there are two phones Pixel 5-inch codenamed Sailfish and Pixel XL 5.5-inch codenamed Marlin, they will be released on October 4th. Google wanted greater control over the hardware of the phone but they couldn’t do that with Nexus line up. So, to attain greater control over the hardware they are dumping the nexus line up report claims. Some claim that the phone will be marketed as the “first phones built by Google”.

The information about pricing, availability is unknown now. It may be true that Google is discontinuing the Nexus brand because from the recent experiences new version of Android is being built every year and very little of the devices are being updated to the latest version of Android. Google had been forcing the manufacturers and operators to update the devices but they don’t listen. To eliminate this problem and to provide a good experience to consumers and make the maximum of the devices run the latest version of Android Google might be taking this step. Let’s hope what they do is good.

This new phone from Google is expected to be totally different from what we have been seeing previously. On the same event that Google is going to organize on 4th October, Android Police said Google is going to launch a 4K video streaming device called Chromecast Plus or Chromecast Ultra, a Smart Home kit Called Google Home and a new version of VR headset called Daydream View VR is also said to becoming. The place and venue and time are not fixed as of now.


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