Bored play solitaire and tic-tac-toe in Google search.


Google has been releasing games on its search engine for a long time. Now one can search for a game and easily play directly on Google search result, When one searches for solitaire or tic-tac-toe, it will return a playable game as a result.


If you don’t, believe me, you can make a try and see it working yourself, this Game works on both PC and Phones. Just type in Solitaire or Tic-Tac-Toe on Google search, it will show up a game that can be played by you on the search result itself. Though this isn’t the first time Google has done this.


This might bring a problem for the companies, decrements on productivity and performance are to be expected. But let’s be positive and take it as a game to be played in free time not by leaving the work.

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