WorldLink Celebrates 1 Lakhs Plus Active Customers

WorldLink has reached the active customers base of 100000 plus happy household.


WorldLink – The ISP with highest distribution outlet in Nepal reaches 1 lakhs plus of active Household customers. It is the leading ISP of Nepal considering factors like availability, Price, Speed, Customer support, etc. If only the number of customers is to be compared it comes around 3rd place just after Nepal Telecom and Ncell which holds 1st and 2nd place respectively.

Recently, WorldLink upgraded the bandwidth of residential package from 2Mbps and 6Mbps Unlimited to 5Mbps and 10Mbps Unlimited respectively. The customers using a 5Mbps volume-based plan were upgraded to 5Mbps Unlimited also the 10Mbps and 15Mbps Volume-based plan was upgraded to 10Mbps unlimited. This is a welcoming upgrade that WorldLink has done, This shows how focused WorldLink is on the consumer service.

To celebrate the base of 100000 happy  customers WorldLink has come up with exciting prizes. On this remarkable achievement they introduced Celebration Offer for the entire happy customers where 10 lucky customers can win Samsung Galaxy S8 and 100 lucky customers can win FREE internet subscription for 3 months. This is a very welcoming change but there are still few short comings that WorldLink needs to fix. A suggestion for WoldLink, if they introduces a Toll Free number then the satisfaction level of a lot of customers will increase.

The Terms and Condition for being able to be eligible for this Offer are:- 

  • Offer applicable to customers subscribing WorldLink’s internet service on
    or before 29th June 2017
  • Offer is to reward 10 lucky winners with Samsung S8 and 100 lucky winners with Free internet for 3 months.
  • Lucky winner will be announced after 30th June 2017 via WorldLink’s Facebook page website and Press Release.
  • Lucky winners will be selected on random basis and will be performed by the internal stakeholders
  • The gift taxes will be settled by WorldLink

Also Read:- MikroTik Users Meeting Successfully Held

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